
The MV of the ending theme of Sky Hunter starring Lu Han is released

  • 2021-11-11
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Sky Hunter, a film directed by Li Chen and starring Fan Bingbing, Wang Qianyuan, Li Jiahang, Zhao Da, Li Chenhao, Guo Mingyu, Ye Liu and Lu Siyu, recently released the MV of its ending them Dream With a Childlike Heart. As a gesture of full support for the director Li Chen, Lu Han dedicated his heartfelt singing to the theme song to interpret the devotion of young air force soldiers to defending against their motherland.

The MV of the ending theme of the film is officially rolled out, where Lu Han brings out the new spirit and child-like heart of the military

The MV of the ending theme of Sky Hunter, a film directed by Li Chen, is officially released today. The song is sung by Lu Han, a close friend of Li Chen, and produced by renowned music producer Yu Fei. The firm and expressive singing fully bring out the intransigence and fearlessness of air force soldiers in the face of threat and danger and their determination of defending the motherland. The lyric lines “destiny cannot make us kneel and beg, even if blood is filled in our arms” and “don’t compromise until we get older for the goodness of our hearts”, coupled with the unique singing voice of Lu Han, vividly depict the braveness of the Chinese air force soldiers in life-and-death situations, and fully reveals their absolute loyalty and hot-bloodedness amid the cruelty of war. Reportedly, the film represents a big dream fulfilled for Li Chen. With substantial support from the air force, the director spent two years just researching and preparing the film, to say nothing of the measureless energies devoted to the process. Lu Han, a close friend of Li Chen, was invited to participate in the production of the film. Given the trust from the director, Lu Han didn’t hesitate to sing the theme song for the film, proving a great brotherliness between the two stars. The modern air warfare film is teeming with not only mysteriously advanced warplanes, but also the brotherliness of soldiers fighting alongside each other and the hot-blood military spirit of defending the motherland in life-and-death situations, as well as the thrilling scenes and soaring aspirations, all of which make it a highly expected film of the year.

A blockbuster air warfare film that represents a brand new chapter for hot-blood war films

Sky Hunter is the first film themed on modern warfare in China. In a departure from traditional shooting techniques, the film has set a precedent by bringing the most advanced warplanes like the J-20, J-10C and Y-20 warplanes to the screen. Real aircraft flights were performed in the shooting, setting a new height for air fight films and bringing an entirely new visual experience to the audience.